
| Alex Haze |

I'm Alex, a digital nomad originally from San Diego. I've embraced the freedom of traveling on one-way tickets and have lived in 18 different countries, exploring the culture and natural beauty of each. With 53 countries under my belt, my journey has been nothing short of epic. I have a deep love for surfing, which pairs perfectly with my passion for discovering secluded beaches and remote waterfalls. Nature is my sanctuary, whether I'm hiking up challenging trails, camping in the wild, or soaking up the serene beauty of all the national parks in the United States. Volunteering along the way has enriched my travels, allowing me to give back to the communities I visit. It’s about making meaningful connections and leaving places a little better than I found them. Join me as I continue to explore the world, from the rolling waves to the highest peaks, always looking for the next adventure.

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